Crystalization of Multiverses
Look to the sky in one direction, how many invisible things to our eyes can we count? Caneta sobre papel 300g - 16.5x14x0.5 10g
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I've placed my thoughts far away in the empty outer space (a blank page), the tracker machine of activated time (the pencil), for a very short period struggled to record a few glimpses of data, and to a better understanding some patterns and rules were created and some challenges were thrown in the game. 🎭🎨

The result, almost random, is limited by its own limitations.
🌌🕰 Paper 300g 16x14cm, made in 2018.

Called Crystallization of Multiverses, it's a condensation of energy in the shape of drawing on paper with intentions from multiple sources (the process of thinking).

Looking to the sky in one direction, there are many invisible things to our eyes that we can want to count. 🤔🕯📜✏

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$ 4,500 
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